Home » Justice Timed: Ya snooze, ya lose in landlord-tenant court
Last fall, Philadelphia announced that the funding for the permanent housing program run by Friends Rehabilitation Program (FRP) that pays for 24 families who have a household member living with HIV would be ending on July 31, 2018.
Our client found himself, through no fault of his own, facing eviction from his FRP subsidized home, and unable to afford a market rate home. He didn’t know what to do. He came to us for help.
Two weeks ago, we represented the client in landlord-tenant court. In addition to trying to evict our client for non-payment, the landlord claimed the amount owed was higher than our client believed it to be.
On the day of the hearing, the landlord didn’t show up and his attorney sought a continuance. We refused to agree to the continuance and the case was ultimately dismissed because the landlord wasn’t there and the tenant was not found to owe any money.
We expected the landlord to immediately re-file the eviction claim, but the client was able to find a place he could afford and move before being taken to court again.