The AIDS Law Project completes a detailed, in-house review of our public/private benefits and housing cases to ensure that clients seeking our core services are receiving the assistance they need.
As a result of these Quality Assurance Reports, we are able to determine whether clients have been favorably assisted through a mix of legal representation, advice and referrals.
The results are published in Quality Assurance Reports (QARs) which are made available to the public. To see our archived Public/Private Benefits and Housing QARs, click on the links below.
2023: Housing QAR
2022: Public/Private Benefits QAR
2022: Housing QAR
2021: Public/Private Benefits QAR
2021: Housing QAR
2020: Public/Private Benefits QAR
2020: Housing QAR
2019: Public/Private Benefits QAR
2018: Public/Private Benefits QAR
2018: Housing QAR
2016: Public/Private Benefits QAR
2015: Housing QAR
2014: Housing QAR – Public/Private Benefits QAR
2012: Public/Private Benefits QAR
2011: Housing QAR – Public/Private Benefits QAR