Home » Justice Delivered: The Spring 2019 edition of Good Counsel is now available
We publish Good Counsel semiannually for you: our friends, volunteers and colleagues committed to protecting the rights of people with HIV and those at risk of HIV. Good Counsel allows us to explain how we successfully navigate difficult systems for our clients, spotlight our victories, and share our work in progress. We also announce special events, thank our generous donors, and welcome babies into the AIDS Law Project family.
Every spring, we include statistics on the clients we served and the legal issues we handled in the previous year. In 2018, 1,436 people contacted the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania and its program, the AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey, seeking assistance on a total of 2,160 legal issues. Nearly all requests came from people living with HIV.
For more than 30 years, we have helped people navigate the legal system, the welfare system, the housing system, and the worlds of public and private insurance, and we have provided education and training to professionals who work with people with HIV.
In recent years, we saw that people at risk of HIV have unique legal issue and could benefit from the expertise we developed over 30 years. We remain committed to our primary mission of making sure people with living HIV have access to justice, but we have broadened our mission and expanded our services to meet the changing needs in at risk communities.