Justice Tattooed

We are happy to report a victory in our tattoo discrimination case. (B.R. v Hettinger Tattoo, LLC & Kyle Hettinger Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Case No. 202202048) 

Our client wanted a tattoo of a phoenix to represent his rising from the ashes from his fear over his HIV diagnosis to thriving with HIV. The tattoo shop owner denied him the service because he is living with HIV. The AIDS Law Project filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission alleging a violation of the state’s anti-discrimination law. We represented BR in a public hearing before the Commission in July 2024. 

On Jan. 29, 2025, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission issued an order finding that the tattoo shop discriminated against our client because he is living with HIV, in violation of state law. 

The Order provides that the tattoo shop: 
Cease and desist from discriminating against individuals due to their disability.
Pay Complainant $5,000 as compensatory damages for the embarrassment and humiliation Complainant suffered.
Pay $1,000 to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission as a civil penalty
We are proud of our client for stepping forward to complain about the embarrassment and humiliation he suffered as a result of HIV-discrimination. We applaud the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission for recognizing that the emotional pain of discrimination is real.