Justice Update


At the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, we believe “AIDS is hard enough, justice shouldn’t be.” Every day we work to secure justice for our clients.

Justice Juan’ed: A superstar and a Rising Star

We are proud to announce that our deputy managing attorney Juan Baez has been selected as a 2018 Rising Star according to Super Lawyers Magazine. This peer designation is awarded only to a select number of accomplished attorneys in each state. Juan has been our deputy managing attorney for more than 4 years. He first…

Justice Summered: The new students are here!

It may not be summer yet, but it’s definitely steamy enough to give a warm welcome to the summer social justice crew. The AIDS Law Project Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Legal Assistance, Philadelphia VIP, and Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP) are always happy when the new students arrive. Here’s the AIDS Law Project team….

Justice Empowered: When the going got rough, our client got tough

Our client first came to the AIDS Law Project over twenty years ago. She was having a difficult time as she struggled to come to terms with her diagnosis. We assisted her in obtaining public benefits and represented her through the painful proceedings as the state sought to terminate her parental rights. As much as…

Justice Delivered: The Spring 2019 edition of Good Counsel is now available

We publish Good Counsel semiannually for you: our friends, volunteers and colleagues committed to protecting the rights of people with HIV and those at risk of HIV. Good Counsel allows us to explain how we successfully navigate difficult systems for our clients, spotlight our victories, and share our work in progress. We also announce special…

Justice Networked 2: Electric Boogaloo

In late February, we announced the formation of the Pennsylvania HIV Justice Network, a statewide network of a people living with HIV, their allies, and folks representing organizations that could speak to legislators and policy leaders with an empowered collective voice for Pennsylvanians living with HIV. The HIV Justice Network’s immediate goals include identifying current…

Justice Supported: Building a network where there was none

Our client is a New Jersey man living with HIV who has endured a tough life. He was severely abused as a child and dropped out of school in sixth grade. With no education or support from friends and family, he began using and selling drugs as a teenager. He spent most of his life…

Justice Addressed: Too many applicants can spoil the benefits

Our client is a single mother with HIV in her 50s and she lives with just her teenage daughter. For more than ten years, she has been separated from her husband, but he visits their daughter periodically. He is struggling with housing stability and occasionally uses his wife’s address to receive mail. Last October, the…

Justice Networked: The Pennsylvania HIV Justice Network is on the move

Earlier this week, the Positive Women’s Network, the Sero Project, and the AIDS Law Project convened a two-day meeting in Milford, Pa. for people living with HIV and their allies. The purpose of the meeting was to create a statewide network comprised of individuals and folks representing organizations that could speak to legislators and policy…

Justice Thoughtfully Spoken: Loose lips sink ships

Our client is a recently widowed young mother whose in-laws learned she is living with HIV after a public health home nurse impermissibly disclosed her status. As a result, the young widow found herself without the financial and emotional support of her in-laws in the days following her husband’s death. Accidental disclosure is unfortunate and…

Justice Named: Living your true life with a little love from Philly AIDS Thrift

The AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania and Philly AIDS Thrift recognize the importance of living your true life. Part of living your true life means self-determination over your body, your health care, your possessions, and your identity. Tonight, at the main store at 5th and Bainbridge, Philly AIDS Thrift will present a $13,000 check to…